Chapter 7: Delhi Biker’s Annual Dilemma

People say you are crazy. Then you find out, you're not the only one!

Ladakh season is barely over when a Delhi Biker has to face the big dilemma. Should he/she ride to Aizwal, Goa or Chennai this winter?

October to January is the bikers IPL season. When battles are fought to win the maximum ‘biker-fans’ for a given ‘event-team’.

All the events have their unique attractions and flavor. While the loyalists and organizers make their annual pilgrimage to whatever validates them most, the rest prefer to hop around.

Ten years from now, the one ‘must-do ride’ for a Delhi Biker will largely depend on what values motivate these events today.

I rode 2000km's to forget I rode 2000km's
Are they hosted for the bikers or for some brand?
Are people getting value for their hard-earned money, time and energy spent to get there? Or do they feel ripped off by shoddy planning, poor or no accommodation and having little to do besides beer guzzling.  

Do the organizers over-promise and under-deliver? Are they able to create a space and vibe where meaningful relationships can happen over the 2 days?

Is the ratio between spectators and participants reasonably equal? Or are most people simply gawking at bikes, rock-stars, hired models, and innumerable performers and products?

A circus like this will certainly attract a crowd and keep them distracted but won’t make a Delhi Biker want to ride over 1000 km’s to practice his staring skills. He already does that at home.
Its about the brotherhood...ride together to understand.

When the time comes, bikers eventually choose their friends over some ‘festival’. Half the fun is in getting to such an event with your hilarious mates.

Organizers need to smarten up beyond just one mega event by seeking the unity and welfare of the larger community through smaller interactive events at other times during the year.

Bikers attract bikers. Wannabes attract wannabes. Indecisive bikers are persuaded to go somewhere not just by clever marketing but its reputation among influential bikers and clubs.

Avial: A band worth watching live at a Biker event 
When an event includes an overnight stay in the deal and plenty of good food, music and programs planned to engage bikers to participate instead of just spectate, we have a winner!

Currently, there is also this undercurrent of rivalry that is rooted in a handful of bloated egos who demand uncompromising loyalty for the price of being bossed around. So if you go to the ‘other’ event you are a ‘traitor’.

Such juvenile mindset only repels the average biker because nothing good comes out of threats, curses and belittling others. It merely reveals ones insecurities and fuels distrust.

The best sight is when Bikers hit the playground!
Besides, the motorcycling scene in India is big enough for all sorts of events catering to all sorts of bikers. The need of the hour, are mature bikers who know how to honor one another, celebrate each other’s victories and host excellent and engaging events that will solve a Delhi Bikers current dilemma.

Written with admiration towards all who organize annual motorcycle events in India.  


  1. We need to wake up and start acting like a community of motorcyclists. The fact of the matter is who cares if you ride a 150cc or 2300cc bike what matters is that you ride.
    Kudos to you Josh you started by bridging that gap we all need to start playing our part. I wish the "oldest clubs" and "moderators" would start to understand what a party it would be when new motorcyclists will join the community and its events and not keep it closed.

    Ride, eat, sleep...repeat.

    1. We are still in the baby-stages and I hope people hear this for what can happen instead of 'cashing-in' early to suit their tunnel vision. In another decade there will be events hosting 10,000 bikers...but for that we must get it right with the 500-1000 now.

    2. The key word being Bikers... not product owners :)

  2. Hi Joshiji, Great blog. Read through all the chapters and really enjoyed them. Made me nostalgic for my own biking days in college. We did all the 4 southern states. But, as you said in one of your posts, I am an impotent biker now!! Looking forward to hearing more and maybe you should put up a followers tag on the side, so we can keep up. God Bless and be safe, Arpit

    1. Hi Arpitji ;) Thank you for dropping by. Next time you should plan a long way back to Ludhiana when you're in Uttrakhand:) As suggested I have put the follower tag.


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